Christopher Douglas: July 2013

Christopher Lee Douglas, affectionately known as Topher, was born in Colorado Springs, CO on November 19, 1971 to parents Donald R. Douglas (deceased) and Rose M. Porter.

Topher spent his childhood in Colorado Springs until he enlisted in the United States Air Force, stationed in Vandenburg, California, where his specialty was in Inter-Continental BallisticMissiles Maintenance.

At Vandenburg he honed his work ethic and began his journey as a disciplined leader. During his free time he developed his passion for catching the perfect wave. There he co- founded the first Vandenburg Air Force Base Surf Club, which is still in existence today.

Never for one second did Topher take for granted that he would be given a tomorrow. He lived his life with such passion and could light up an entire room with his laughter.

He prided himself on his hard work and dedication to his crew and firehouse. He was always the first one up in the mornings and routinely be found detailing the fire engine in his spare time.

Topher was madly in love with his family. He married the love of his life, was an exceptional father to his beautiful 2 year old son and was very excited for his second on the way. He was a loving son and an over protective big brother.

The loss of Topher will forever leave a hole in the hearts of everyone he touched. He was a mentor, a husband, father, brother.  And to all he was a friend.

Christopher Lee Douglas was survived by his expectant wife Amy Douglas of Temecula, CA and 2 year old son, Samuel.  Parents Donald R. Douglas (deceased) of Colorado Springs, Rose M. Porter of Colorado Springs, brother Martin Douglas(Heidi Douglas) of Colorado Springs and sister Heather Douglas of Denver, CO. In laws:  Cheryl and Ron Aitkin, Veronica (Matt) Herrington, Jessica (Mike) Carroll

Christopher’s service will be held on Friday, July 12, 2013 time to be announced. The location will be The Bridge Church located at 38801 Calistoga Drive, Murrieta , CA .

In lieu of flowers, a trust has been set up for his family. Donations will be made through LA Firemans Credit Union by electronic donation at Go to the foundation link and in the comment section please list Chris Douglas-CalFire Riverside.

Chris Douglas Program

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