Convention Registration

CDFF Convention in Sacramento

December 12 – 15 

Delegate registration –  The biggest problems regarding registration are spelling, duplicate registrations & refunds.

Spelling needs to match the membership database.  I’m Henry R. Epling; Hennry, Hank, or Bobby on the registration form will not match when we do the search.

Duplicate registration end up with a refund & bad credentials for the floor.  I’ll use Dennis Nelson as an example.  If Dennis is coming for his chapter, district, & PAC, we need clear definition on both forms of his delegate status & who’s paying. In addition to being a delegate you must be a member in good standing, which applies to retirees as well.

Refunds tend to gum up the machine.  When you discover that you have a refund, PLEASE submit it in writing.  A written request will give our convention finance an opportunity to review it and the request will provide support documentation for the refund check.

Printed credentials are only necessary to validate your access to the floor as a voting member of your delegation.  This means guests, vendors, VIP’s, etc.. will not be receiving an I.D. Badge.

Registration form   Download Word Doc


Hotel Registration – What’s Different

On behalf of our finance director, executive assistant, your individual treasurers and convention finance, PLEASE make a special effort to maintain a clean & separate document trail.  

Only Paul VanGerwen and Doug Mackey will have authorization for” master account” charges.  Your room charges will be made to your credit card and recovered by an “expense claim.”  If you need to file for a travel advance, be sure to do it with a minimum 30-day lead time.

You will make your own reservations using the “2013 Conference” link on our website.  Not using the link will result in us failing to meet our contract percentage, loose our group room rate & being charged for meeting space.  The short link is: .  If your browser won’t accept it here’s the full link:

PLEASE REGISTER EARLY!  The cutoff for rooms is 11/5/13; cutoff for convention registration is 11/15/13.

Hank Epling
Cell 707-326-3142

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