Edward Jason Coffeen a long time resident of Madera died December 27, 2013 following a short illness, Jason was 75. The funeral was held at Jay Chapel in Madera on Friday, December 27, 2013, at noon. The service was attend by many firefighters and hundreds from the family and friends.
Jason was the son of Career CDF employee Frank Coffeen FAE. Frank work his whole career in Madera Sch A – MMU during the 1940s,1950s.and 1960s retiring in 1972. Carol Coffeen Robbins; Jason’s baby sister; married a long time CDF employee John A. Robbins Sr. who retired as Asst Chief from the Mariposa MMU in 2000 after 40 years on the job.
Jason’s nephew John E Robbins Jr, is a working Fire Captain at the Murphy’s Cal Fire Station in TCU Jason did not follow Frank into fire service, he attend Fresno State and went to work for Ford Motor Company where he stayed for 10 year before starting his own car business in Madera which cover another 30 years Submitted by John A. Robbins Sr Retired – Asst Chief Mariposa MMU