Passing of John Machado

John David Machado, a Springville Resident, was born in Natural Dam, Arkansas on October 23, 1931 and was preceded in death by his wife, Sylvia Josephine Machado and his parents Joseph and Effie Machado.

John was the father of three children, John Joseph Machado, Kathleen Sylvia Machado Smaglik (Paul) and Stan Edward (Sandy) Machado, 9 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren whom he was very proud of. John also left behind a Girlfriend, Juanita Baldo who we, the family, shall ever be grateful for.
John had a wonderful and full life which sustained him to the end, there was never a moment when he was not learning something new and exciting. He had a zest for life and adventure throughout his years and never stopped believing that hard work, dedication and education were the keys to a life well lived.
At the age of 19, John joined the United States Army where he became a paratrooper with the 11th Airborne Division during the Korean conflict. He trained in both Fort Campbell, Kentucky as well as Camp Roberts, California and spent time stationed in Alaska. He obtained the rank of Sergeant of which he was very proud of. He was honorably discharged in 1954 having spent 4 years in service to his country.

After leaving the military he set out to receive a college education obtaining a degree in Geology, he worked the next few years working in the hard rock mining industry.

In 1959 John had met and fell in love with a beautiful woman who soon would become his wife, Sylvia Josephine Broux. They married in 1960 in Carson City, Nevada, with his parents and friends in attendance. A new life as a married man and eventually fatherhood sent him in a new direction while he strived to provide a solid base and career. At this time John discovered the California Division of Forestry and soon he was hired, this began the best of his life to become.

John’s career quickly took off as he went through the ranks quickly, it was not long before he was asked to open a Ranger District in Westwood, California. He obtained and retained until death certification as a California Peace Officer which helped further his career. He always said that this position was instrumental in his rise through the ranks. After a few years John promoted to State Forest Ranger II and found himself headed to a little town called Springville in 1972 to take the helm of Mountain Home Conservation Camp as the administrator.
12 years later John decided that once again it was time to move forward his career and experience and was soon appointed as a California Department of Forestry, Division Chief in Tulare County. As was his way, he dedicated himself to the position while he continued to excel in his goals. It is from this position that John retired after a 30-year career.

John was a former member of the JC’s, International Rotary and a Boy Scout leader for Troop 137 in Springville California. He helped many a young boy reach the level of Eagle Scout and gave these boys a true meaning of what it meant to become the best that he could be on his way to adulthood.

John sat as a Trustee on the Springville Union School Board from 1979 until 1988, dedicating 11 years of helping to provide the school with all that was necessary to assure the students succeeded by strong fiscal and education standards.

He was a member of the Springville lions club for over 30 years, earning both the distinction of a 25-year service metal and as well as perfect attendance awards in 1979-1980, I am sure that he continued that tradition of attendance throughout his membership. He obtained the distinguished position of District 4/A2 Zone Chairman.

John served on the Tulare County Grand Jury from 1991-1992 and was again asked to join recently however with his health failing he regretfully turned it down.

John was also a lifelong member of the 11th Airborne Association, the American Legion and a proud member of the NRA.

John was an avid hunter and outdoorsman who took his family along on many camping, gold prospecting and visits to significant historical sites throughout the country. He had many additional hobbies such as restoring classic Triumph sports cars.
John, Dad, we will miss you as we celebrate your life and remembrances of the man you were, the friend, the father and the volunteer who never stopped trying to improve the betterments of those who you came in touch with.

Services will be held at Myers Chapel in Porterville, California on the date of January 29, 2018 at 1:00 PM with graveside services held thereafter at Vandalia Cemetery where he will be interred with his wife, Sylvia Josephine Machado who passed in 1997. A reception will follow at the Women’s Club adjacent to the Chapel.

Cal Fire and Cal Fire Honor Guard, Tulare County Fire and the United States Army, American Legion will hold ceremonies in his honor.


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