As defined in our Articles of Incorporation, the purpose of this scholarship fund is:  “Such purposes for which this corporation is formed are to provide an educational scholarship fund to needy candidates who are members of CAL FIRE Local 2881 or their dependents, with priority given to dependents of CAL FIRE Local 2881 members who are killed in the line of duty or who, while still employed, died from a presumptive cause for firefighters as defined in the California Labor Code.  Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, this corporation shall not engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of the purposes of this corporation.”



Only those applications postmarked no later than June 15 and mailed to scholarship fund headquarters will be considered for the following August 1 award:

  1. Top priority will be given to consideration of those applications received from dependents of CAL FIRE Local 2881 members who have been killed in the line of duty or who, while still employed, died from a presumptive cause for firefighters as defined in the California Labor Code.
  2. Financial need is of primary importance with such need being based upon the current total family income along with other scholarships and financial assistance available to the applicant.
  3. Recipients will be evaluated scholastically utilizing their latest three-year academic performance (high school grades for new college entrants and cumulative college grade point average, or a combination of both, for college applicants).
  4. The applicant’s statement indicating the reasons for wanting to continue his/her education will be considered to help identify the financial need as well as his/her educational and career goals.
  5. The accompanying letters of recommendation will be considered to help determine the applicant’s aptitude, promise and prior academic and community service achievements.

** You will need to log-in to the members only side of the website to download the application and the rules and regulations.**


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