25-Year Club 55th Annual Reunion

Reminder to all…The Redwood Empire Fairgrounds would like reservations made by April 1st for the Annual Spring Campout in Ukiah. Please use the form below to mail in your reservations. I am trying to get the word to everyone that does not have a computer, so if you know someone that’s unable to get the form make sure you call them. Use the form below for reservations.

As a reminder, April 29th – May 5th is the CDF wagon Train Annual Campout and Meeting and will be held in conjunction with the CDF 25 Year Club Dinner in Ukiah. New Wagon Train members are welcome.

Reservations are now being taken for the RV Park at the Fairgrounds. Please use the attached forms and make your reservations directly with the Redwood Empire Fairgrounds. There is one change in the listed rates. For those young folks over the age of 65, the rate is the same as the listed Good Sam rate of $27.00 per night. If you use that rate, just write it down next to the Good Sam rate.

Due to some dishonest people (not CDF) trying to cheat the Fairgrounds out of money, the Fairgrounds is insisting that we use the attached Credit Card Authorization Form if you plan on paying with a Credit Card. They are also asking that reservations be made prior to April 1st, 2013. They do not take American Express.

Any questions, call Neil Logan at 707-599-2154 or email at bigguy6714@yahoo.com If you can’t get ahold of him due to his travels, let me know and I’ll help all I can.

Brian Kornegay

707-489-3233, Cell
707-462-5522, Home

Click the link below for more information on the reunion.

25-Year Club 55th Annual Reunion Info

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