The upcoming Fire Captain and Fire Apparatus testing process will be a written test. Where you are placed in the rankings will be based 100% on your scoring.
I talked with the Trisha Addison, head of CAL FIRE Human Relations, concerning the upcoming FAE written test. She confirmed with me that they’re planning to administer the test in September, in multiple locations, on the same day, One Day Only. I stressed to her our concerns with the test being held during the middle of fire season and our members not getting an opportunity to participate. She stated they are aware it may be a problem and that they are planning to reschedule another date for those who were not able to attend based on fire activity or approved AAV. As of today they have received over 1600 applications and were expecting a few more to come in the mail today and tomorrow, since the deadline was last Friday July 3rd.
The reason for the September date according to Trisha was to have a hiring list in place before the 2016 hiring process. As you’re aware, we have been hammering the Department on the hiring process and how it was late and that job offers for multiple classification occurred at the same time. This led to major confusion among our membership. At least in this aspect, they also realized there was a problem with how the process went this year.
At this time I have not heard when they are planning to schedule the Captains test.
We will continue to express our concerns to the Department and work with them, to improve CAL FIRE’s testing and hiring process. Our goal is to ensure that all of our members are afforded a fair opportunity to participate in the testing process, and the ability to advance their careers.
Tim Edwards
State Rank & File Director