Nominations are now open for the following Chapter Officer positions:
Chapter Director of Rank and File Affairs
Chapter Director of Supervisory Affairs
Chapter Director of Retiree Affairs
Chapter Secretary
Please read below from the Tuolumne Calaveras Chapter Operating Procedures and Policy. The nomination period is now open for a period of 45 days and will close October 15, 2013. Those nominated must have granted written permission to the person making that nomination.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Barry Rudolph
Chapter Director
CDF Firefighters L2881
Tuolumne Calaveras Chapter
0400 Elections
0410 Election of Chapter Officers
The election cycle for the Tuolumne Calaveras Chapter Officers shall be completed by the annual CDF Firefighters General Convention.
.01 Nominations for the Tuolumne Calaveras Chapter Officers shall be opened by September 1st of the election year.
.A Nominations will be opened to all members of good standing in the Tuolumne Calaveras Chapter as of September 1st.
.B Notification for Chapter Officer elections will be posted on the CDF Firefighters Web Page by September 5th.
.C Nominations will remain open for a minimum of forty-five (45) days.
.D Nominations for candidates may be by mail, or in person at a Union meeting.
.E Anyone being nominated for office must have given his/her written permission to the person making that nomination prior to the nomination.
.02 Elections for Chapter Officers shall be held after October 20th.
.A All members in good standing on September 1st. are eligible to vote.
.B If only one member of good standing is nominated for office, the election may be by proclamation and no ballots are necessary.
.C If more than one candidate is nominated for any one office, secret ballots shall be mailed to all chapter members of good standing and returned within twenty days.
.D A ballot counting committee appointed by the Chapter Director of at least three chapter members, who are not candidates for office, shall count the ballots before the annual convention.
.03 Ballot Retention
.A The Ballot Counting Committee Chairperson shall be responsible for turning the ballots over to the Director of Finance for retention.
.B Such ballots shall be sealed immediately after tabulation has been made and secured by the Chapter Director of Finance for a period of ninety (90) calendar days after the election.
.04 Ballot Inspections
.A Upon petition, signed by 25% or more of the Chapter members, ballots shall be reopened for inspection.
.B Such request must be made within sixty (60) calendar days from the close of the election.
.C Four members of the Chapter and a petition representative shall be present to certify the recount.
.D The results of such recount shall be binding.
.05 Upon election of Chapter officers, the results will be transmitted to CDF Firefighters Headquarters on the Chapter Officer Roster form. (Exhibit 0735.05)
.06 Newly elected Officers shall take office at the end of the CDFF Annual Convention.
.07 Chapter Directors will take the oath of office at the end of convention.
0420 Term of Office
.01 The term of office for the Chapter Director, Alternate Chapter Director, and Chapter Finance Director shall be for a period of two years to be elected on even-numbered years.
.02 The term of office for Chapter Director of Rank and File Affairs, Chapter Director of Supervisory Affairs, Chapter Director of Retiree Affairs, and Chapter Secretary. Shall also be for two years to be elected on odd-numbered years.